䇝怎么读 䇝的意思
更新时间 | 2024年 |
汉字 | 䇝 |
读音 |
注音 | |
部首 | [竹] 竹字旁 |
笔画 | 总笔画:10 部外:4 |
异体字 | |
字形结构 | 上下结构 |
统一编码 | 扩展A U+41DD |
其它编码 | 五笔:tar|tau 仓颉:hi 郑码:mhma 四角:88503 |
笔顺编码 | 3143141534 |
笔顺笔画 | ノ一丶ノ一丶一フノ丶 |
英语 (abbreviated form) (same as VEA39B0) to break off (relations); to sever, to exterminate; to annihilate; to wipe out, to pierce; to stable; to irritate; to hurt, to hold weapons, agricultural implements; far tools, sharp will; eager intention; determination