"I dream that the whole world will become peaceful. I dream that all the killing will stop. I dream that all the children will walk in peace and harmony. I dream that all the nations will shake hands with each other, protect each other and help each other. I dream that our beautiful planet will not be destroyed. It took billions of years to produce this planet and it's so beautiful, so wonderful; I dream it will continue, but in peace, beauty, and love. 我梦想全世界和平, 我梦想世界不再有杀生,小孩子们可以过着和谐安乐的生活。
我梦想国际间彼此握手言和、互相保护、互相帮助。 我梦想这个几千百万亿年爱心造就的美丽的星球不会被摧毁, 我梦想它将会在和平、美丽与爱中延续下去。
Why the safe return of you but tearsMy strange pablo mason friendsYou from the aircraft drop the bombThen from the inside of the eye drop tearsYour bombs hit the gulf of warfare targetsYour tears but hit in ChinaA young poet's heart为什么安全归来你却泪流满面 我的陌生的帕布罗·梅森朋友 你从飞机上丢下炸弹 然后又从眼眶里丢下眼泪 你的炸弹命中了海湾的作战目标 你的眼泪却击中了远在中国的 一个青年诗人的心灵 我的异国他乡的朋友 你的眼泪竟然把我的无比善良的 心灵,炸得伤痕累累,痛苦万分 My exotic home of a friendYour tears unexpectedly put my extremely goodMind, Fried too bruised and misery。
Love is the wind, blowing every corner; love is the clouds, the sky dotted whole; love is rain, rain all the earth; love is the tree, blocking the hot Yang. Love is the wind, thick clouds are rolling; love is a cloud, the rain turned into a timely manner; love is rain, rain tree a long drought; love is trees,绿阴 for you. Love is light, as melting snow in winter; love the snow, rain water land; love is water, the formation of the boundless sea; love is the sea, all the fault tolerance. Love is a day of sunshine East, so that people suffering from cold and hunger the warmth of the world; love is in the desert Qingquan一泓to the brink of desperate people to see the hope of life; love is a lively song in the night sky inside so that people who have no one to depend on access to comfort the soul; love is a洒落field in the land of the long drought Ganlin; withered soul feel emotional moisture.爱心是风,吹遍每个角落; 爱心是云,点缀整片天空; 爱心是雨,滋润大地万物; 爱心是树,遮挡炽热夏阳。
爱心是风,卷来浓密的云; 爱心是云,化作及时的雨; 爱心是雨,滋润久旱的树; 爱心是树,为你撑起绿阴。 爱心是光,照溶寒冬的雪; 爱心是雪,滋润土地的水; 爱心是水,形成无边的海; 爱心是海,包容一切过错. 爱心是一片东日的阳光,使饥寒交迫的人感到人间的温暖;爱心是沙漠中的一泓清泉,使濒临绝境的人重新看到生活的希望;爱心是一首飘荡在夜空里的歌谣,使孤苦无依的人获得心灵的慰藉;爱心是一场洒落在久旱的土地上的甘霖;使心灵枯萎的人感到情感的滋润.。
BE AT PEACE Be at peace angels from heavenBe at peace motherBe at peace my friendsBe at peace my reverendBe at peace my GodBe at piece my saintsBe at peace birdsBe at peace Mother NatureBe at peace seaBe at peace farmersBe at peace little babyBe at peace fishermanBe at peace moon when you shine at nightStars be at peace also when you shine at nightBirds be at peace when you fly in the sky during the day by Aldo Kraas。
"I dream that the whole world will become peaceful. I dream that all the killing will stop. I dream that all the children will walk in peace and harmony. I dream that all the nations will shake hands with each other, protect each other and help each other. I dream that our beautiful planet will not be destroyed. It took billions of years to produce this planet and it's so beautiful, so wonderful; I dream it will continue, but in peace, beauty, and love. 我梦想全世界和平, 我梦想世界不再有杀生,小孩子们可以过着和谐安乐的生活。
我梦想国际间彼此握手言和、互相保护、互相帮助。 我梦想这个几千百万亿年爱心造就的美丽的星球不会被摧毁, 我梦想它将会在和平、美丽与爱中延续下去。